"The Colorful Shoes" was written by Simon Calcavecchia, in Memory of Dwight Johnson
"Dwight was someone that lived his life to inspire love and kindness on others. When I met him, he told me that he created his colorful shoes to make a difference in people's lives. He wanted to use his art to shift people's attention from what makes people different to what makes them differently awesome.
In the short time I got to know Dwight, I know that he made a difference in the lives of everyone that he met, To this day, I still wear the same shoes that Dwight painted for me every chance I get and I continue to share his story with anyone who asks about my colorful shoes.
Dwight, I will remember you for the rest of my life. Thank you for everything that you have done. Rest in peace, my friend."
-Simon Calcavecchia
*Ten percent of all “The Colorful Shoes” book sales will go to The Soule Foundation in support of Dwight Johnson’s mission.